Meet the Folks at Newark, Arkansas City Hall

Mayor Brain Barber

Joanne Langston is the City Recorder-Treasurer. It is she who usually answers the phone, and she is eager to help you with any situations, and always greets you with a smile.

Amanda McNeil is the Newark Water Department water clerk.
City Government in Newark, Arkansas: "Mayor and City Council"
Position | Name |
Mayor | Brian Barber |
Recorder/Treasurer | Joanne Langston |
City Attorney | Joe James |
Fire Chief | Michael Powell |
Director of Public Works | Adam Owens |
Street Superintendent | Johnnie Dunegan |
Councilmember | Jim Cunningham |
Councilmember | Kyle Garner |
Councilmember | Kendall Rutledge |
Councilmember | Anissa Foushee |
Councilmember | Larry Langston |
Councilmember | Charlie Skaggs |
The Newark City Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the council room at City Hall.
Several City of Newark ORDINANCES are available to view online.
The City of Newark information on "", a partnership of INA and the Arkansas Municipal League: